2M Training & Support

2M Water Treatment are committed to Responsible Care™ and are dedicated to ensuring that all parties throughout our entire supply chain are fully aware of how our products should be safely handled.


This applies to the technicians at our facility that fill Packed Chlorine drums and cylinders, through to the vehicle drivers who are responsible for the safe transport of our products, right down to the operators and technicians who are the ones responsible for the safe connection and use of our products.


We ensure that our customers and end users are fully supported with the correct tools and skills needed to handle Chlorine safely. The accessories we offer include specialist spanners & safe keys which enable the safe connection and disconnection of Chlorine cylinders and drums and we also work with leading professionals and equipment manufactures in the Chlorine industry to offer full onsite Chlorine handling and safety training.


When dealing with any chemical it is important to understand the hazards and risks involved. By its chemical nature a product may be described as hazardous but if the risks involved in using this chemical are managed and the chemical is correctly handled it can in fact pose very little risk to the people using the product or the surrounding environment. This is the important distinction between hazard and risk.

2M Water Treatment follow this ethos of fully understanding hazards and managing risks, we encourage our customers to take full advantage of the training courses we offer. These courses can be tailored for individuals or groups and we are able to provide full onsite instruction covering an understanding of the properties of chlorine, through to the safe handling of the product and the emergency procedures that should be followed in the unlikely event of an incident.


Training is provided by competent individuals that have spent many years working within the Chlorine industry and have hands on experience of working with Chlorine. If you would like more information on the courses and training we can offer then please contact your Packed Chlorine representative or make an enquiry using the ‘Quick Enquiry’ form found on this page.